Paris School of Economics

Paris School of Economics - Masters in Economics || EducationView360

PSE : la science économique au service de la société (English subtitles)

Economic Decision and Cost Benefit Analysis: the new MSc run by the Ecole des Ponts and the PSE

Guido Ascari: 'The Long-Run Phillips Curve is ... a Curve∗'

Discover the PSE Summer School 2023

PSE Summer School 2024

Discover Iqra Shaikh’s testimony from the MSc Sustainable Impact Analysis

Discover the PSE Summer School

Rethinking Pension Reform

Chaire Mondialisation - CMA CGM, Tangram et Paris School of Economics

Good Economics for Hard Times - Lecture 1: Introduction

Pierre André-Chiappori: 'Human capital and inequalities: the American case' (1/2)

(June 2017) Thomas Piketty 'Rising inequality and globalization'

Good Economics for Hard Times - Lectures 6, 7 & 8: Likes, wants & needs

Riccardo Zago: 'Labor Market Fluidity and the Flattening of the Phillips Curve'

Discover Partner companies of the MSc Sustainable Impact Analysis

Discover the Master of Science SIA - Sustainable Impact Analysis

Gianluca Violante: 'The Marginal Propensity to Consume in Macroeconomics'

Irène Hu: 'Man Overboard! Industrial Fishing as Driver of Migration Out of Africa'

Pierre André-Chiappori: 'Human capital and inequalities: the American case' (2/2)

FIT 2018 | Marc Morgan - Paris School Of Economics

Don't come to France to study if...

PSE-CEPR Policy Forum 2023: Policy conversation with Beatrice Weder di Mauro & Jean Pisani-Ferry

Workshop 'Corporate Capture and the Environmental Emergency': Introduction